Frequently asked questions.

General FAQs

  • Good question. I’m a Certified Touch Therapist and Masseur, and Touch & Intimacy Coach offering massage therapy, cuddle therapy, touch & intimacy workshops, and opportunities for community to men. It is my contribution to making this amazing planet we call home a much better place - one client at a time. The services I provide are all aimed at supporting this. For the avoidance of doubt, our relationship, albeit intimate, is entirely platonic and professional. I do not sell/contract/offer sexual activities. I strive to make our time together relaxing, memorable, stimulating, and authentic. I want to develop a genuine connection in which we look forward to seeing one another again and again.

  • I am located in Hollywood on the corner of Waring Avenue and Wilcox in Los Angeles. I also visit Palm Springs periodically, and on request.

  • My online booking tool ( shows the latest available slots. You can also text or call 213.588.4242 for special requests.

  • Cash is preferred but I also accept Venmo, CashApp, Zelle and all major credit cards (with a $5 surcharge).

  • Being well-known can be a blessing in a great many ways but it can also be a great burden. Public figures ranging from small town mayors to internationally known musicians and performers like to have someone in their corner who is not looking for something from them. They enjoy having a trusted confidant who they can connect with, and who can touch them and be touched without the expectation of sex.

    Discretion is very important to me and your privacy is sacrosanct. It is essential to your business, as it is to mine. I am often asked about my famous clients. My typical response is that I cannot say, and it would be unethical for me to divulge that information. I will not acknowledge or speak to you in public outside of our time together unless you initiate contact. I will respond to you as I would a stranger.

    I’m also more than happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement if that would make you more comfortable.

  • I fill the niche for men who prefer the touch of other men for bodywork regardless of sexual orientation.

  • Tips and gifts are never required, so I will receive any additional generosity you choose to extend me with surprise and excitement.

Two shirtless men by a waterfall, one sitting on the other's shoulders, both smiling and showing a thumbs-up gesture.

Massage FAQs

  • This is YOUR session. If you want anything changed: pressure, areas worked, position or if you are too hot or too cold ... please let me know! My feelings won’t be hurt by you asking for something that will make you more comfortable. I want this to be the best experience for you to relax and enjoy. Also, what you requested in one session may be different in another. If you had a full body massage last time, but this time you only want your back/neck/shoulders/arms worked, it's perfectly fine to let me know.

  • You should undress to the level you are comfortable. For a full body massage, or a sensual massage most get completely undressed. However, if you will be more comfortable during the session if you leave your underwear on, that's fine. I will work around the clothes you left on as best as I can. If removing all your clothes makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you are not getting the optimal benefit from the session. I will give you privacy to undress and get comfortable on the table.

  • If you’re uncomfortable with getting a specific area treated don’t be embarrassed to mention it to me. I can avoid those areas. I will typically ask you before I begin your massage.

  • Sure, if you'd like to talk go right ahead. The important thing to remember is that this treatment is all about you relaxing and enjoying the experience. In many instances, people may feel more relaxed starting off talking, and as the massage progresses, enter quiet states of relaxation. The important issue here is that there are times when you need to speak up. If I am doing anything that is making you uncomfortable, please let me know immediately. Also, let me know if you get too warm or too cold, if the room is too bright, or if the pressure needs to be changed (lighter or deeper). If something is not working for you it’s perfectly ok to let me know!

  • It means everything is working! Yet, most men avoid massage for fear this will happen to them. Or, they get a massage but are unable to relax because of this fear. But there is no reason to be embarrassed. It is entirely normal get an erection even during a non-sexual, therapeutic, full body massage. Touch administered to any part of the body can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can result in a partial or complete erection. Besides, what’s an erection between men? We all get them. Just relax and enjoy the massage.

  • Make yourself comfortable. If I need you to adjust your position, I will either move you, or ask you to move what is needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable. Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It's up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax.

  • You can expect to receive an excellent, and relaxing massage combined with sensual elements, if you so choose. I will use established massage techniques together with sensual touch during your massage and I generally allow mutual touch. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time. (You can also read my blog on gay massage etiquette).

  • Absolutely! It is, first and foremost, a massage like you would get anywhere else, preformed by an experienced masseur. You get to choose how sensual — or not — you want your experience to be. Your sexuality is your own business and I won’t ask. Nothing in the world can ‘make you gay’. Whether you want to call it ‘m4m massage’, ‘men’s massage’, or ‘gay massage’, it’s all the same to me. You can read my blog post about this. This is a judgment-free zone and you will be incomplete control at all times. You can be as involved or not as you want, so you will not be made to do anything you’d rather not do.

  • Massage is in itself inherently sensual. The main difference between a regular and ‘sensual’ massage is intent. Sensual massage is still a regular massage, but there are just fewer boundaries on how I touch you. I can provide more of a sensual session with erotic elements. But those elements vary depending on how well the client and I interact, communicate, and what boundaries are agreed on before the session. When requesting a session, I’d rather you not discuss your sexual fantasies with me through text, or over the phone. I always prefer to discuss boundaries in person.

  • I do not offer sex with clients.

Person receiving a back massage on a massage table.

Cuddling FAQs

  • There are almost 80 ways to cuddle, so it’s different for every session. People are unique and have their own preferences. Some like to talk, some don’t. Some like a lot of physical contact, some like a little. Sometimes you might feel lively and playful, other times you might feel quiet and introspective. There are a lot of right ways to cuddle! Half of the fun is in discovering what is right for YOU. Have fun!

  • Once you’ve changed and gotten settled, we’ll chat for a few minutes to get to know one another, and then I’ll guide you through some breathing and relaxation activities to get you started. You will have a chance to ask any questions you might have. Our session could include eye-contact, hugging, sharing conversation or quiet, hand-holding, caressing, spooning and lots of other activities. There are almost 80 different cuddling positions, so there’s something for everyone. Our session can be at my place, or your place, or in a public place. It could be a walk in the park holding hands, or cuddling in the movie theaterYou can come with your ideas and requests. What I offer you is a safe space to feel loved, understood, and appreciated.

  • Yes, absolutely! Please allow yourself to – it can feel amazing to cry while you’re being held.

  • How much you talk and what you talk about is entirely up to you.

  • Yes, of course. If sleeping is something you enjoy as part of your cuddle therapy, then go right ahead.

  • If you become uncomfortable in any way at any time, please say so. Stop whatever is causing discomfort and adjust accordingly. Please do not wait until your discomfort is large, do this at the first hint of it. This is your session and none of it needs to feel any less than great! If you would like to end your session early for any reason simply say so.

  • Arousal is a natural and healthy human response to all kinds of things including touch and should not make you feel embarrassed. Acknowledge it, or celebrate your being a healthy human, and let go of it. However, you can ask to switch positions or take a break if you feel awkward about it.

Two men lying close together sharing an intimate moment.