Trevor James

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How to Follow Through with New Year's Resolutions So You Actually Achieve Them

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to start the year with a clean slate, and give us the chance to become a better version of ourselves. Instead of focusing on how much weight you gained over Christmas, New Year’s resolutions give you a goal that can help you grow as a person. But while the intentions are good, it doesn’t always work out for everyone. According to statistics, only about 30% of people manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions for more than six months. Whatever your reasons for making them in the first place, here are some tips on how you can follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions so that you actually achieve them.

Create smaller resolutions that are easier to achieve

This one goes hand in hand with setting realistic goals, which is hugely important when setting resolutions for the New Year. If you make a resolution to lose 50 pounds, it’s not going to be easy or achievable. Instead, try setting smaller, more realistic goals. For example, you could set a goal to eat one fruit or vegetable per day, or to cut down your portion sizes. It might not seem like much, but these smaller goals help you to achieve your larger resolutions. This can also help you to stay motivated when you’re feeling down about your progress, and give you something else to focus on. Setting smaller goals is also a great way to get started if you’re feeling stressed out or don’t know where to start when it comes to making resolutions. There are so many resolutions to choose from, so it can be pretty overwhelming when you don’t know where to start. If this sounds like you, try setting smaller goals to help you get started.

Set a deadline for each resolution

Another great way to help you stay on track with your resolutions is to set a deadline. This can be anything from a certain date, to a number of days that you want to achieve your goal by. This is a great way to keep you motivated and help you to achieve your goals sooner rather than later. It’s also a great way to keep you accountable for yourself and show you that you’re serious about your resolutions. It can be helpful to make a public declaration about your resolution to help you stay on track and make it harder to break your word. This is particularly helpful when you’re trying to break a bad habit, or make a positive change in your life. For example, if you want to stop spending so much money on impulsive purchases, you could set a deadline for when you want to stop. Or, if you want to save up more money, you could set a deadline for how long you have to save a certain amount by. This can help you to stay on track and hold yourself accountable for your decisions.

Ask for help from your friends and family

Another great way to help you stay on track with your resolutions is to ask for help from your friends and family. This can be anything from asking someone to hold you accountable, to having someone check in on you to see how you’re progressing. It can also help to have someone there to motivate you when you don’t feel like following through with your resolutions anymore. This can be anything from a partner, to a friend or family member. This is particularly helpful if you’re trying to make a positive change in your life or make a positive impact on the world, such as becoming more environmentally friendly, or donating to charity. Having someone there to help you along the way can make all the difference. This doesn’t just have to be people you know either. There are plenty of online communities and forums available where you can ask for help and support. This can be helpful when you don’t have anyone in your real life to turn to, or you just want extra motivation to follow through with your resolutions.

Reward yourself when you follow through

Another great way to help you stay motivated, and achieve your resolutions is to reward yourself when you follow through. This can be anything from going on a shopping spree when you’ve saved up enough money, to buying yourself a new book when you’ve read enough. Whatever reward you choose, it’s a great way to help you to stay motivated and follow through with your resolutions. It can also help you to celebrate your achievements and feel like you’re making progress. This can be a great way to help you stay motivated when you don’t feel like following through with your resolutions anymore. When things get tough, and you feel like giving up, it can be helpful to have a reward waiting for you at the end of it all. Make sure your reward is something positive and productive, though. It’s important to keep in mind that you’re making these resolutions for a reason. Whatever reward you choose, make sure it’s positive and doesn’t hinder your progress.

Don't be too strict with yourself

Last but not least, it’s important to remember not to be too strict with yourself. Yes, you want to achieve your resolutions, but you also want to enjoy yourself and celebrate your successes. It’s important to remember that you’re making these resolutions for yourself, and not for anyone else. If you’re feeling too strict with yourself, try to relax a bit and let yourself enjoy the journey. This will make it more enjoyable for you, and make following through with your resolutions that much easier. Remember that no matter what, you’re doing great and you’re improving your life by making these resolutions. Don’t let the pressure get to you, and just enjoy the process.